Victoria Taft
Politics • Culture
Victoria Taft is the Adult in the Room, bringing her years of experience in life, talk radio, podcasting, writing, and journalism to bear on the day’s issues with a sardonic attitude and glint in her eye. If you can appreciate a sense of humor, you’ll enjoy Victoria.
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her social media under Victoria Taft or The Adult in the Room Podcast. Listen on all your podcast outlets, including Spotify, Apple, Google, AnchorFM
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Election Donation Cheating? Oregon Democrats Say 'Hold My Beer'
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No, Trump did not call Nazis 'very fine people'

This lie is going around again because Kamala's campaign is pushing the whopper that Trump called nazis "Very fine people" at a protest over tearing down statues.
Watch the video proof showing that he did not.
Have a nice day.
And even though I think Snopes is a morally and ethically bankrupt organization, years after the lies began it finally corrected the record.

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Rubicon Crossed

Rubicon Crossed: White House Doubles Down on Trump Being a 'Threat' After Latest Brush With Death

Assassination Attempt 2 on Trump

Another assassination attempt on Donald J. Trump today.

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Hey, Master Debater David Muir of ABC: Let's Talk About Your Crime Stats

Hey, Master Debater David Muir of ABC: Let's Talk About Your Crime Stats

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