Victoria Taft
Politics • Culture
Victoria Taft is the Adult in the Room, bringing her years of experience in life, talk radio, podcasting, writing, and journalism to bear on the day’s issues with a sardonic attitude and glint in her eye. If you can appreciate a sense of humor, you’ll enjoy Victoria.
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Cool Stuff Coming Up on the Adult in the Room Podcast
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No, Trump did not call Nazis 'very fine people'

This lie is going around again because Kamala's campaign is pushing the whopper that Trump called nazis "Very fine people" at a protest over tearing down statues.
Watch the video proof showing that he did not.
Have a nice day.
And even though I think Snopes is a morally and ethically bankrupt organization, years after the lies began it finally corrected the record.

The Adult in the Room podcast With Guest Drew Thomas Allen

Find the entire episode



Such good stuff happening

I can't wait for you to see these upcoming Adult in the Room Podcasts. I interview a survivor of Mao's Cultural Revolution and why she sees it happening now and retired CIA operative, who knows what happened in Iraq, Benghazi and everywhere else. Share, support, comment, rate, and subscribe!

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What keeps the election safe?

ON THE LATEST ADULT IN THE ROOM PODCAST: J. Christian Adams returns to the program to talk about a number of topics including the investigation into the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, as well as Trump's New York convictions. But his primary focus as President of the Public Interest Legal Foundation is election integrity, and he has some very serious concerns. He details the organization's research into illegal voters and poorly-maintained and -audited rolls, and the findings that recently resulted on a trip to Capitol Hill. On the eve of one of the climax of one of the most tumultuous and controversial election seasons in memory, Adams explains why preventing voter fraud is more critical than ever before.

James Earl Jones

You may think of him as the voice of Darth Vader, but besides being a wonderful junkyard dog owner in the Sandlot, my favorite line uttered by James Earl Jones was this:

“Dog and a beer” — Terence Mann

Rest in Peace, James Earl Jones.

I can’t believe you’re gone. 93 years old.

post photo preview
Rest in Peace Paul Harrell

Well this is sad.
Rest in Peace.

RIP, YouTube Firearms Instructor and Enthusiast Paul Harrell

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