Victoria Taft
Politics • Culture
Victoria Taft is the Adult in the Room, bringing her years of experience in life, talk radio, podcasting, writing, and journalism to bear on the day’s issues with a sardonic attitude and glint in her eye. If you can appreciate a sense of humor, you’ll enjoy Victoria.
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Bankrupting Trump

New York judge issues huge civil fine on Trump for apparent fraud but no one was defrauded. This witch hunt was meant to destroy the Trump family business through civil means. Among the decision made by judge is to prohibit Trump from operating in NYC for three years.
No one’s ever been tried for this issue before. Yet another novel legal trick to destroy him.
Banks testified they hadn’t been defrauded but the judge, for whom it will be the capstone of his career because he’s retiring, will suffer no slings and arrows because when this is overturned he’ll be in Florida enjoying economic freedom.
This case should chill every company that deals in buildings, construction, and real property in NYC.
If you can do it to one you can do it to all.
Isn’t it interesting that Donald Trump was the first? It was no coincidence.
This is what a banana republic looks like.
The left sought this as part of its leftist legal multi pronged attack on their political enemy.
It is total war.
This is not America.

From CNN:

“Today's major ruling: A judge has ordered former President Donald Trump and his companies to pay nearly $355 million in a ruling in the New York civil fraud case. He is also barred from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation or other legal entity in the state for three years, and he cannot apply for loans from any financial institution registered in the state for three years. Read the full ruling.
Trump's sons are also impacted: Meanwhile, Trump's adult sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, have been ordered to pay $4 million for their personal profits from the fraud and are barred from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation for two years. Two former Trump Organization executives are permanently banned from running finances for New York businesses.
What happens next: Trump's attorney said he plans to appeal the decision. The trial in this case has served as a precursor to the four criminal trials Trump faces this year as he campaigns to regain the presidency.”

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Lawfare With John Eastman

In the latest Adult in the Room Podcast, former Trump lawyer, John Eastman, was targeted by the left for representing the president after 2020. Here's a highlight (lowlight) from the program about how the incredibly absurd levels the DOJ and lawfare regime went to get a legal gotcha. It's a real head shaker.
*Eastman had skin cancer surgery which is why he's wearing a bandage.
ON THE LATEST Adult In the Room Podcast: Attorney & legal scholar John Eastman served as an advisor to Donald Trump’s campaign team during the 2020 election cycle. After questions were raised about the validity of the election results in many locations, Eastman proposed a path for the team to contest the results. Now, for submitting what many of his supporters say was merely a thought exercise at worst, Eastman is facing indictments in multiple states and a federal charge that still hangs over his head as of this episode being published, in the wake of Donald’s Trump’s historic string of Day 1 executive orders ...

Lee Smith Explains Who's Behind the Coup and Kamala Rise

Who really is pulling the strings of the Democrats?
Here's @LeeSmithDC about his new book, "Disappearing the President" in our interview on The Adult in the Room Podcast.
Purchase Disappearing the President on Amazon:

Watch/listen our interview on YouTube, Rumble, Spotify, Apple, and wherever you get your Adult In the Room Podcast.

No, Trump did not call Nazis 'very fine people'

This lie is going around again because Kamala's campaign is pushing the whopper that Trump called nazis "Very fine people" at a protest over tearing down statues.
Watch the video proof showing that he did not.
Have a nice day.
And even though I think Snopes is a morally and ethically bankrupt organization, years after the lies began it finally corrected the record.

Columbia University is Cut Off

So strange. I guess people are just tired of funding people who are trying to kill us and our country.

Bye, Columbia!

The Department of Justice,
@HHSGov @usedgov @USGSA
Announce Initial Cancelation of Grants and Contracts to Columbia University Worth $400 Million

You really can't make this up.

You just can't make this up.

"In Washington State, Gov. Bob Ferguson stands to lose federal funds over allowing boys on girls' teams. But he's recently proclaimed a budget deficit and in the same breath gave a $4 billion raise to state employees, and then gave those same employees — who already work for the state full time — a furlough day to "save money."

That's why you've got to read the West Coast, Messed Coast™ report every week.

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