Dozens Jan 6 defendants are spending another Christmas in the Gulag. This is where Joe Biden's "Justice" Department puts away Capitol trespassers in his disgraceful, anti-American political purge. It's time to break hundreds of people out of jail—the legal way. You can help, but don't put it off. They need you today.
The former CEO of, Patrick Byrne, will double the legal defense fund for January 6 defendants if they contribute to the GiveSendGo account to get it up to $500 thousand. He's pledged $1 million if they make their goal today.
Byrne is an interesting man. The alleged "conspiracy theorist," as that bastion of "truth," Wikipedia calls him, who "spread... conspiracy theories about election fraud to the public," according to Time Magazine was forced to leave his Overstock top job in 2019, though his concerns were well founded. He left after publicly gaving voice to concerns over the fake Russian Collusion narrative the Department of Justice was promulgating at the behest of Hillary Clinton. He was right about that too, of course. The stock went down, though recovered, but he left so he wouldn't become a distraction. Now he's helping the J6 defendants, some of whom have spent more time in prison awaiting a trial date than serving then those serving a sentence.
It's time to free them all.
Nearly every week since the riot at the U.S. Capitol complex, another person is arrested who walked on federal property on January 6, 2021. If they "stood on a bench" to get a better view of protesters inside the Capitol they're threatened with arrest or taken into custody. If they're like one of the Proud Boys who shook a barricade they're arrested. If they're Jake Lang who faces a dozen charges from that day, some of them violent, they're thrown in prison in hopes we'll all forget about him.
But Jake Lang isn't going silently. Indeed, he's doing more behind bars than most free people do in a lifetime.
Edward "Jake" Lang has been in and out of at least 13 jails and prisons since he was arrested after the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol complex. He sits in solitary confinement in the federal jail in Washington, D.C. awaiting a trial that has been rescheduled multiple times. His latest trial date is for September 2024.
One of the issues from his case, the novel charge "obstruction of an official proceeding" which gave a felonious veneer to hundreds of misdemeanor cases will be considered by the U.S. Supreme court in its next session to determine if the charge was wrongly applied in these cases.
He's started a video platform from inside the walls of the prison. He's done more interviews than practically any other J6er with his limited phone time, and he's started fundraisers to help inmates get money for prison commissary spending for phone calls, food, and toiletries for other prisoners. And he's also spearheading the effort to plus-up the J6 defense fund for others.
Related: Elon Musk Moves to #1 on Joe Biden's Enemies List
Lang was there in the tunnel where J6ers were gassed by cops. This is where Roseanne Boyland was overcome by the gas, and as she struggled to get out, was trampled, and then as she lay on the ground was allegedly beaten with a baton by a federal cop. Lang was there begging cops to help get her out and medically treated. Her lifeless body was removed from the Capitol complex and moments later was pronounced dead on January 6. Lang was arrested days later and has been locked up on pre-trial detention ever since. Read that again: ever since. It will be three years in just a few days.
The feds say Jake was no angel that day. He was charged with more than a dozen charges including civil disorder, assaulting or impeding a police officer using a dangerous weapon (a bat or stick), disorderly conduct, being in a restricted building, and the one charge that has created felons out of misdemeanants, the grandaddy of them all: Obstruction of an Official Proceeding.
He and other J6ers have served their time. We don't need to go down the list of other Capitol Building protests where there have been no consequences to make the case that J6ers have been differently under the law. That's wrong and un-American.
Give what little is left after paying for Joe's Bidenomics and give to the J6 defense fund to make another Gulag Christmas a bit more bearable.
In the latest Adult in the Room Podcast, former Trump lawyer, John Eastman, was targeted by the left for representing the president after 2020. Here's a highlight (lowlight) from the program about how the incredibly absurd levels the DOJ and lawfare regime went to get a legal gotcha. It's a real head shaker.
*Eastman had skin cancer surgery which is why he's wearing a bandage.
ON THE LATEST Adult In the Room Podcast: Attorney & legal scholar John Eastman served as an advisor to Donald Trump’s campaign team during the 2020 election cycle. After questions were raised about the validity of the election results in many locations, Eastman proposed a path for the team to contest the results. Now, for submitting what many of his supporters say was merely a thought exercise at worst, Eastman is facing indictments in multiple states and a federal charge that still hangs over his head as of this episode being published, in the wake of Donald’s Trump’s historic string of Day 1 executive orders ...
Who really is pulling the strings of the Democrats?
Here's @LeeSmithDC about his new book, "Disappearing the President" in our interview on The Adult in the Room Podcast.
Purchase Disappearing the President on Amazon:
Watch/listen our interview on YouTube, Rumble, Spotify, Apple, and wherever you get your Adult In the Room Podcast.
This lie is going around again because Kamala's campaign is pushing the whopper that Trump called nazis "Very fine people" at a protest over tearing down statues.
Watch the video proof showing that he did not.
Have a nice day.
And even though I think Snopes is a morally and ethically bankrupt organization, years after the lies began it finally corrected the record.
Dan Bongino's Replacement Is Announced
So strange. I guess people are just tired of funding people who are trying to kill us and our country.
Bye, Columbia!
The Department of Justice,
@HHSGov @usedgov @USGSA
Announce Initial Cancelation of Grants and Contracts to Columbia University Worth $400 Million
You just can't make this up.
"In Washington State, Gov. Bob Ferguson stands to lose federal funds over allowing boys on girls' teams. But he's recently proclaimed a budget deficit and in the same breath gave a $4 billion raise to state employees, and then gave those same employees — who already work for the state full time — a furlough day to "save money."
That's why you've got to read the West Coast, Messed Coast™ report every week.